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(주)더알파랩스 채용 정보: The Alpha Labs와 함께할 글로벌 마케터를 찾습니다

채용 정보

by 더팀스 2020. 4. 13. 15:01


The Alpha Labs와 함께할 글로벌 마케터를 찾습니다

킥스타터 캠페인을 시작으로 The Alpha Labs와 Alpha Glass의 글로벌한 시작을 함께 만들어갈 마케터를 찾습니다

​The Alpha Labs is the tech startup developing Augemented Reality(AR) Smart Glasses that look like ordinary glasses for daily life
Now, We are preparing the first launch of prototype with the kickstart campaign
We are looking for the people who are interested in startup, technology, AR and want to make the future

- Management SNS
- Translation (English)
- Marketing campaign operating
- Support communication

 - American or Native(Almost) english speaker
- Good understanding of American market

 - Excellent writing and communication skills 
 - Well-informed about market trends in any of foreign countries
 - Major in Marketing or Business Administration
- Experience in execution of digital marketing

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